How does pellet therapy work?

Biote pellets release bio-identical hormones under your skin, where they're absorbed by your body. They function like the hormones your body is no longer producing at previous levels so that you feel like you did when you were younger - when you had higher levels of testosterone or estrogen. For continuous hormone treatment, take advantage of plant-based hormone therapy right away.

Hormone Bioidentical Replacement Therapy for Men

Studies have shown hormone replacement therapy may help relieve the symptoms of a hormone imbalance in men that may include:

Sleep issues*
Weight gain*
Brain fog*
Decreased sexual performance*
Low mood*
And more.*

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

In their clinical experience, Biote Certified Providers have reported hormone replacement therapy may help relieve the symptoms of hormone imbalance in women that may include:

Low mood
Low sex drive
Decreased bone density.*
And more